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How to See Pinterest Monthly Viewers: Insider Insights

How to See Pinterest Monthly Viewers: Maximizing Exposure

As a business using Pinterest for marketing, one of the most valuable metrics to track is your number of monthly viewers. This refers to the total number of unique Pinterest users who have viewed your profile or pins over the past 30 days. Understanding how to see your Pinterest monthly viewers is crucial for measuring the reach and engagement of your content. This guide will explain what monthly viewers are, why they are important, and walk through exactly how to view your monthly viewership data within Pinterest Analytics.

How to See Pinterest Monthly Viewers
Image Credit: PinterestSolution

We’ll also provide tips and strategies to help grow your number of Pinterest monthly viewers over time. Whether you’re new to Pinterest or looking to take your presence to the next level, learning how to see pinterest monthly viewers will provide the insight you need to connect with more targeted users each month.

What Are Monthly Viewers on Pinterest?

On Pinterest, your monthly viewership is the total number of distinct Pinterest users who have viewed your profile or pins within the last 30 days.

There are a few ways Pinterest users can encounter and view your content:

  • Viewing your pins on your Pinterest profile page
  • Seeing your pins in their home feed when you share new pins
  • Finding your pins through Pinterest search
  • Viewing your pins on other Pinterest group boards or users’ boards where you are a collaborator
  • Interacting with your pins or profile on third-party websites where you have embedded Pinterest buttons or widgets

So your monthly viewers metric encompasses all of these viewing opportunities and indicates how successful your pins are at putting your brand and content in front of Pinterest users.

Why Monthly Viewers Matter for Your Business

As a business using Pinterest for marketing, driving traffic, and generating leads, your monthly viewership is an important metric to watch.

How to See Pinterest Monthly Viewers
Image Credit: PinterestSolution

Here’s why your Pinterest monthly viewership matters:

  • Shows your content’s reach – The more monthly viewers you have, the wider your Pinterest reach. This means your pins are being surfaced to more users in search, feeds, and recommendations.
  • Indicates audience interest – A growing monthly viewership signals that your content resonates with Pinterest users and your target audience. It shows people are engaging with your brand.
  • Drives website traffic – More viewers on Pinterest leads to increased website clicks and referral traffic as people click through your pins.
  • Builds brand awareness – Getting your pins in front of more eyes every month helps grow brand awareness and recognition.
  • Grows your follower base – Some viewers will follow your profile when they see pins they like. More followers means more potential viewers.
  • Informs your Pinterest strategy – Analyzing how your monthly viewership changes over time provides insights into what is and isn’t working on Pinterest.

For all these reasons, monitoring your Pinterest monthly viewership should be a key part of your social media analytics and tracking.

How to See Your Pinterest Monthly Viewers

If you want to view your Pinterest monthly viewers data, you need to have a Pinterest Business Account. Pinterest’s analytics dashboard is only available for business accounts, not personal accounts.

Here are the steps to convert to a Business Account and access your monthly viewers metric:

Switch to a Pinterest Business Account

  1. Open Pinterest and go to your profile page.
  2. Tap the settings icon (shaped like a gear) on the top right.
  3. Select Switch to Business Account.
  4. Choose a business name, category, and website.
  5. Accept Pinterest’s terms for business accounts.

Once you complete the steps to upgrade, you’ll have access to Pinterest’s Analytics section.

Find Monthly Viewers in Pinterest Analytics

How to See Pinterest Monthly Viewers
Image Credit: PinterestSolution
  1. Go to your Pinterest profile tab.
  2. Click on the Analytics link in the left sidebar menu.
  3. On the Overview page, locate the Performance Over Time chart.
  4. In the drop-down menu above the chart, select Monthly Total Audience.

This will show a graph displaying your total Pinterest viewership for each of the past 12 months. You can hover over any data point to see the exact number of monthly viewers for that month.

Tracking your monthly viewers over time is helpful to see how your Pinterest presence grows and how viewing trends correlate to your marketing campaigns and content strategy.

Tips to Increase Pinterest Monthly Viewers

Gaining more monthly viewers is a common goal for businesses using Pinterest. More viewers means greater reach for your brand.

Here are some proven tips and strategies to get more eyes on your Pinterest pins and profile:

Create Visually Appealing Pins

High-quality, eye-catching pins are more likely to get clicks and engagement. Invest time into creating aesthetically pleasing pins using high-res photos, attractive fonts and formatting, and thoughtful text overlay. Tools like Canva make it easy to design stunning pins.

Write Keyword-Rich Pin Descriptions

Include relevant keywords in your pin descriptions but don’t overstuff them. This helps surface your pins in Pinterest’s search engine for users looking for your product or service keywords.

Cross-Promote Pins on Other Channels

Share your new pins on other social networks like Facebook and Twitter to expose them to new audiences who can then view them on Pinterest.

Collaborate on Group Boards

Joining group boards in your industry helps put your pins in front of more engaged users who follow those boards.

Be Active in Engaging and Commenting

Like, comment on, and repin other users’ content regularly. This raises your profile within the Pinterest community.

Post New Content Frequently

Refresh your Pinterest profile page by pinning high-quality content multiple times per week. This gives viewers new reasons to keep checking your profile.

Use Rich Pins When Possible

Rich Pins add extra product data like prices, descriptions, etc. They drive more engagement from interested users.

Analyze Performance with Analytics

Use Pinterest’s analytics reports to see which types of pins get the most monthly viewers. Then create more of that high-performing content.

Run Pinterest Ad Campaigns

Pinterest ads can help expand your reach to users who may not see your pins organically. Promoted pins specifically put your content in front of more people.

Being strategic and thorough with these tactics can increase the number of monthly Pinterest users that view and engage with your brand content.

Why Tracking Monthly Viewers is Crucial

We’ve explored what monthly viewers are and how to access your numbers. But why is it so important to pay attention to this metric on an ongoing basis?

Here are a few key reasons consistent monthly viewer tracking and analysis is crucial for Pinterest success:

How to See Pinterest Monthly Viewers
Image Credit: PinterestSolution

Benchmark Your Progress

Regularly monitoring monthly viewers gives you an ongoing benchmark to measure your Pinterest progress. You can set goals around viewer growth and track how different strategies impact your numbers.

Look for correlations between your best-performing pins and your biggest increases in monthly viewers. This reveals the types of content that resonates most with your audience.

Inform Your Pinterest Strategy

The data can shape your ongoing approach to pinning cadence, engaging with others, promoting pins off-Pinterest, collaborating, and more.

Optimize Your Approach

Seeing which tactics influence monthly viewers allows you to double down on what works and try new strategies to continually improve.

Compare to Competitors

Gauge how your monthly Pinterest reach compares to competitors in your space. This can motivate you to test new ideas to help your brand stand out.

Track ROI

Combine your monthly viewers data with website analytics to calculate your Pinterest return on investment (ROI) over time.

Set Goals

Establish monthly, quarterly or annual goals for viewers and measure your progress towards hitting key benchmarks.

Staying on top of your monthly viewers is crucial for understanding your Pinterest presence and dialing in an effective strategy.

Key Takeaways

Attracting more monthly Pinterest viewers is a worthy pursuit for any brand using Pinterest for visual marketing and social engagement.

Here are some of the key takeaways from our guide on tracking monthly viewers:

  • Monthly viewership shows how many unique users are seeing your pins, which is key for reach and traffic.
  • A Business Account is required to access monthly viewer analytics in Pinterest.
  • Consistently monitoring monthly viewership provides crucial data to inform your marketing approach.
  • Tactics like creating captivating pins, using keywords, collaborating, and promoting pins can all help drive more monthly viewers.
  • Analyzing why monthly viewership changes over time is vital for optimizing your Pinterest strategy.

The more eyes that view your pins, the more awareness, traffic, and followers your business can gain on Pinterest. Use the tips in this guide to unlock the data you need to engage more viewers and turn them into customers.

Now it’s time to put these insights into action. Do you want your business to build its audience and dominate on Pinterest? Our Pinterest marketing services can help take your Pinterest presence to the next level.


Gaining more monthly viewers is key for succeeding with Pinterest marketing. It expands your content’s reach, drives website traffic, boosts brand awareness, and provides valuable data to inform your strategy.

By switching to a Business Account, you gain access to analytics showing your monthly viewership over time. Consistently tracking this metric is crucial for setting goals, benchmarking progress, and optimizing your approach to perform even better.

This guide has outlined actionable tips to increase monthly viewership through compelling visuals, thoughtful keywords, collaborating, engaging with the community, and promoting your pins outside of Pinterest.

Focus on creating pins your audience loves and implementing tactics to put them in front of more potential viewers every month. With smart analytics-driven strategies, you can build a sizable and engaged following on one of the fastest growing social media platforms.

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