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How to Repin on Pinterest: The Right Guide to Mastering the Art of Repinning

How to Repin on Pinterest: A Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering Repinning Tactics

How to Repin on Pinterest: A Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering Repinning Tactics

Pinterest has become one of the top social media platforms, with over 400 million monthly active users discovering and sharing visual content. One of the key features powering Pinterest’s viral growth is the ability to repin – or reshare – someone else’s pin to your own boards or feed. Mastering the strategic art of repinning is crucial for expanding your reach and driving engagement on Pinterest.

This guide will teach you everything you need to know about how to repin on Pinterest. We’ll cover optimizing your profile, smart repinning strategies, best practices for repin etiquette, and tips to track your repin success using analytics. Learning proper repin techniques can take your Pinterest marketing results to new heights.

What is Pinterest and How to Use It for Repinning?

Let’s start by ensuring you have a clear understanding of Pinterest basics and how the platform is structured for repinning success:

Understanding the Basics of Pinterest

Pinterest is a visual bookmarking tool that operates like a digital pinboard. Users can search for and save images or videos to categorized boards based on topics of interest. Pins can either be original user-generated content or repinned from someone else on the platform.

The main Pinterest feed displays recently pinned content from accounts you follow. Users can organize their own pins by creating boards around specific themes related to their niche. Followers of your account will see your newly pinned content in their feed.

Boards function as visual collections and communities centered around certain subjects. Repinning is an organic way to share and redistribute existing pins to expand their reach and discovery.

Creating a Pinterest Account and Boards

  • To begin using Pinterest for repinning, first create either a personal or business account. The process is quick and easy.
  • Once your account is set up, fully optimize your Pinterest profile. This includes adding a profile picture, cover image, bio, website links, and profile description.
  • Next, spend time creating boards around niche topics that attract your target audience. For example, if you are a fashion brand, you may create boards like “Spring Outfit Ideas”, “Workwear Style Inspiration”, “DIY Fashion Tips”, etc.
How to Repin on Pinterest: The Right Guide to Mastering the Art of Repinning
Image Credit: PinterestSolution

Choose board names strategically with relevant keywords so they show up in search. Your boards act as visual communities so put effort into curating compelling collections.

Optimizing Pins for Repinning

  • When first pinning content from your website, be thoughtful about creating pins optimized for repinning.
  • Choose eye-catching, high-quality images that represent your brand aesthetic. Images with people tend to attract more engagement on Pinterest.
  • Write detailed pin descriptions that establish context and get viewers excited to repin your pins. Use relevant keyword phrases people search on Pinterest for improved discoverability.
  • Fill out all available pin fields, like destination link, board category, etc. Input your website as the link so repins drive traffic back to you.

Utilizing Tailwind for Repinning Strategy

An invaluable tool for Pinterest repinning is Tailwind, a Pinterest marketing platform. Tailwind allows you to discover content to repin, schedule repins in advance and analyze pin analytics.

Key Tailwind features include:

  • Smartfeed: Curated content recommendations to repin from top accounts in your niche
  • Analytics: Track most popular repins, engagement and website traffic
  • Image analysis: Identify top performing images to base new pins off of
  • Scheduler: Plan and stagger your repins in advance for optimal timing

Leveraging Tailwind is a game-changer for supercharging repinning in a data-driven way.

Why is Repinning Important for Your Pinterest Growth?

How to Repin on Pinterest: The Right Guide to Mastering the Art of Repinning

Now that you understand Pinterest basics, let’s explore all the valuable benefits repinning offers for social media growth:

Understanding the Strategy Behind Repinning

On most social platforms, old content quickly gets buried and stops being discoverable. Pinterest is different in that pins continue surfacing forever. Repinning essentially gives existing pins a new lease on life. The more your pins get repinned, the more eyeballs will see your content. Frequently repinning evergreen pins leads to explosive account growth.

Repinning other influencers and authorities in your industry allows you to tap into their existing engaged follower base. It builds relationships while exposing your own account and website to fresh audiences already interested in your niche.

Increasing Engagement and Reach Through Repins

A single repin can gain your pins thousands of new views and engagement. Each repin has an exponential reach effect, far greater than original pins alone. The compounding power of repins means your content and account continually circulates to new users.

Utilizing Analytics to Measure Repin Success

Pinterest analytics allows you to track metrics like your overall repin rate as well as your most popularly repinned posts. Study this data to identify content themes and pin formats that attract high repin rates. Refine your pin strategy based on tangible insights into top performing repins driving results.

What Are the Best Practices for Repinning on Pinterest?

Now let’s get into actionable repinning tips and strategy:

Creating Fresh Pins for Pinterest

While repinning others is key, also dedicate time to creating new, original pins with value. High-quality, eye-catching pins aligned to your brand aesthetic make a strong impression.

How to Repin on Pinterest: The Right Guide to Mastering the Art of Repinning

Experiment with different pin formats like step-by-step tutorials, infographics, motivational quotes, behind-the-scenes imagery, customer pins, etc.

Ensure your pins and boards target important keyword phrases people search for within your niche. Naturally work exact high-value Pinterest keywords into your pin descriptions and board names. This boosts discoverability when users search the platform.

Developing a Marketing Strategy for Repinning

Being intentional with who you choose to repin is vital. Seek out influencers, brands and authorities with an engaged audience that aligns with your target market.

Repin fresh, valuable content from these accounts to tap into their existing followers while exposing new users to your brand and pins.

Scheduling Pins for Maximum Exposure

Don’t just randomly repin content as you see it. This scattershot approach is ineffective. Instead, use a platform like Tailwind to schedule repins in advance for optimal timing.

Analyze when your target audience is most active on Pinterest. Schedule repins in small batches during peak times to maximize visibility and engagement. Staggering repins keeps your content continually circulating.

Factors Behind a Successful Repin

Certain pin styles and formats naturally attract higher repin rates. Eye-catching pins with great visuals tend to be winners. Pins that teach a new skill or provide practical value also get frequently repinned.

Including keywords in the pin description improves SEO and discovery when users search Pinterest for related topics. Compelling pins solving problems get repinned and shared.

In summary, dedicating effort to repinning others’ content can unlock immense Pinterest growth. Be intentional with who you repin and thoughtful about scheduling repins for maximum impact. Analyze metrics to continually refine your approach. With a sound repinning strategy, you can build an influential and thriving Pinterest presence.

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