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How to Get More Saves on Pinterest: A Strategic Approach

How to Get More Saves on Pinterest: A Strategic Approach

How to Get More Saves on Pinterest: A Key to More Saves

Getting more saves on Pinterest should be a priority in your social media strategy. When users save your pins, it signals you are creating content that resonates and prompts action. The more saves your pins accumulate, the more visibility they gain across Pinterest. If you want to grow your reach, engagement, and website traffic from the platform, focusing on increasing saves is key. This article will provide tips on how to get more saves on Pinterest. By optimizing your pins and strategy for saves, you can expand your audience and influence. We’ll explore why saves matter, ways to encourage more saves, and how to analyze your top-performing saved pins. Follow these proven methods for getting more saves on Pinterest.

Understanding Saves on Pinterest

On Pinterest, users can save pins to topic-specific boards to easily access them later. Saving goes beyond just liking content. It shows a deeper level of interest and intent to take future action.

For example, if you are planning a vacation, you may search for and save pins about destination recommendations, attractions, restaurants, hotels, and travel tips. While not ready to book yet, saving organizes ideas for when you are ready to plan your trip.

For content creators and businesses, pin saves indicate your ideas are useful, engaging, and worth returning to. The more your pins get saved, the more Pinterest’s algorithm will surface them to new audiences with related interests. More saves means expanded reach on Pinterest.

Why Getting More Saves Matters

There are a few key reasons why getting more saves should be a priority in your Pinterest strategy:

  • Increased visibility: Pins with more saves gain more exposure on Pinterest. The algorithm picks up on this engagement signal.
  • Expanded reach: A high number of saves gets your content in front of more new, relevant audiences.
  • Traffic growth: More saves means more people coming back to click through to your site or make a purchase.
  • Valuable feedback: Seeing which pins get saved helps you gain insights into your top-performing content.
  • Builds authority: More saves adds social proof and positions you as an authoritative source on your topics.

If your goal is to drive results from Pinterest, getting saves should be a metric you actively track and work to improve. The platforms algorithm relies heavily on user engagement data. So more saves will signal relevancy to Pinterest and result in increased visibility for your brand.

Ways to Get More Saves on Pinterest

How to Get More Saves on Pinterest
Image Credit: PinterestSolution

Here are the top tips to get more saves on your Pinterest pins:

1. Encourage Saving in Your Pin Copy

Prompt users to save your pins by including a clear call-to-action in your copy or caption. For example, “Don’t forget to save this for later!” or “Love this recipe? Be sure to save it to your boards for when you want to recreate it!”

The more you nudge your audience to save your content, the more likely they are to do so. Make it easy and frictionless to share and save your pins in just one click.

2. Craft Compelling Pin Copy

Include descriptive, valuable copy and context around your pins. Explain what viewers will gain, learn, or how they can use your idea or recommendation. Make it scannable and easy to digest.

Also, optimize text to contain keywords and phrases your target audience may search for on Pinterest. Relevant, compelling copy signals to Pinterest’s algorithm that your content provides value.

3. Analyze Your Pinterest Analytics

Check your Pinterest analytics regularly to identify your highest-performing pins in terms of saves and engagement. Review your top-saved pins and create more similar, high-value content in those categories.

Analytics also reveal opportunities to improve areas lacking in saves. Use the data to gain insights to inform your Pinterest and content strategy.

4. Add Videos to Your Pinterest Profile

Incorporate video content into your Pinterest feeds. Short DIY tutorials, product demos, behind-the-scenes footage, and other videos help engage your audience.

Seeing your personality and creative process through video makes followers more likely to save your pins. It grabs their attention in Pinterest’s highly visual platform.

Use Pinterest Trends and do keyword research to identify popular topics and search terms. Then create on-target content people are actively looking for.

The more you pin about in-demand topics, the more discoverable your pins will be, leading to higher engagement and saves. Tailor pins to trending interests.

6. Maintain a Regular Posting Cadence

While you don’t want to burn yourself out, posting consistently is key. According to Pinterest, those who pin high-quality content around once per week see the best results.

Find a sustainable pacing for your business. The more value you provide, the more saves your pins will earn over time.

7. Collaborate with Other Creators

Look for opportunities to team up with others in your niche to co-create content and cross-promote pins. Collaborating expands your reach to new audiences who may save your pins.

8. Run Pinterest Ads and Contests

Consider investing in Pinterest ads to promote your best pins. Paying to boost their reach can lead to more saves. You can also incentivize saves through giveaways and contests.

9. Make Pins Visually Appealing

Create eye-catching pins using high-quality photos, graphics, and videos. Visually striking pins grab attention and are more likely to get saved versus cluttered, text-heavy pins.

10. Add Value with Idea Pins

Idea Pins allow you to share tips, how-tos, recipes, and more in a visually engaging format. Providing value through useful Idea Pins gives followers more reason to save your pins.

Tips to Help You Get More Pinterest Saves

Here are some top tips to help boost your Pinterest saves:

  • Make saving frictionless with prominent Save buttons and optimized pin sharing capabilities
  • Prompt your audience to save in your pin descriptions and captions
  • Craft informative pin copy with relevant keywords your audience searches
  • Analyze your top-performing and top-saved pins – then make more of that content
  • Add video pins to showcase your brand personality and ideas
  • Check Pinterest Trends and do keyword research to optimize content topics
  • Maintain a regular posting schedule such as once per week
  • Collaborate with others in your niche to expand reach
  • Visually optimize your pins with high-quality images and graphics
  • Provide value to your audience through useful Idea Pins they’ll want to save

The number of saves your pins accumulate serves as a benchmark indicating how well your content resonates with your Pinterest audience. By taking a strategic approach to increasing saves, you can expand your reach and visibility.

Focus on creating captivating pins your audience will genuinely want to save. Listen to feedback from your analytics to continue honing your strategy. With a thoughtful, multi-faceted approach you can get more saves and make the most of Pinterest.

Why People Save Pins on Pinterest

How to Get More Saves on Pinterest
Image Credit: PinterestSolution

Before diving further into tactics, it’s helpful to understand the psychology behind why people save pins in the first place. There are a few key reasons and motivations for users saving pins:

Planning and Organization

People often save pins for future planning and to stay organized. For example, saving recipes to make later, workout routines to attempt, future vacation ideas, gift ideas, fashion inspiration, and more. Saving pins allows users to easily access all their content ideas in one place.

Showcasing Interests and Passions

Pinners also save pins to curated boards that represent their tastes, hobbies, and passions. It allows them to showcase their interests in topics like cooking, travel, photography, or weddings. Their boards act as a reflection of what inspires them.

Discovering New Products

How to Get More Saves on Pinterest
Image Credit: PinterestSolution

Many users leverage Pinterest to discover new brands, products, and services. When they find something they want to try later, they save the pin for future reference. This could include anything from clothing items, recipes, travel destinations, home decor, and much more.

Learning New Skills

Pinners who want to learn something new often turn to Pinterest for DIY tutorials, tips, and how-tos. From developing photography skills to mastering a new cooking technique, people save instructive pins to revisit later when they are ready to try it out.

Entertaining Content

Humorous pins, entertaining videos, inspirational quotes, and other uplifting content gets saved so people can revisit those feel-good moments. These types of pins evoke an emotional response.

Aspirational Ideas

Pinners will save aspirational pins that represent their goals and dreams, like dream vacations, home decor inspiration, fitness goals, and more. It allows them to collect ideas for the life they envision.

How Getting Saves Impacts Your Pinterest Strategy

Understanding why users save pins should inform the types of content you create and share on Pinterest. You want your pins to align with those motivations and provide real value to pinners.

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