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Can You Transfer Pinterest Boards to Another Account? FAQs

Can You Transfer Pinterest Boards to Another Account? Explore the Possibilities

Can You Transfer Pinterest Boards to Another Account
Image Credit: PinterestSolution

Can You Transfer Pinterest Boards to another account? With Pinterest being one of the top social media platforms, this is a common question for users looking to reshape their presence. While Pinterest lacks a direct board transfer feature, it is possible to shift boards between accounts through some careful coordination. By utilizing board collaborations and changing admin roles, users can successfully transfer account ownership in a strategic manner. In this guide, we will explore the ins and outs of moving your precious Pinterest boards to another account. With some effort and planning, you can execute transfers to consolidate boards, separate personal and business profiles, and refresh your Pinterest structure.

How to Transfer Pinterest Boards to Another Account

While Pinterest doesn’t have an automated board transfer tool, it is possible to shift boards between accounts through a manual process. Here are the steps to take:

Step-by-Step Process for Transferring Pinterest Boards

  1. Add the account you want to transfer boards to as a collaborator on the board.
  2. Once they accept the invite, visit the board settings and change the collaborator to an admin.
  3. The new admin can now remove you from the board.
  4. Repeat this process for each board you want to transfer.

It takes a few extra steps compared to a direct transfer, but it gets the job done!

Transferring Ownership of Pinterest Boards to Another Account

To transfer ownership of a board from one account to another:

  1. Go to the board and click the 3-dot menu.
  2. Select “Edit Board” and click “Collaborators”.
  3. Use the “+ Invite” button to add the new account.
  4. When they accept, visit board settings and select “Make Admin” next to their name.
  5. The new account can now remove you as a collaborator to complete the transfer.
Can You Transfer Pinterest Boards to Another Account
Image Credit: PinterestSolution

Merging Two Pinterest Accounts’ Boards

If you want to combine boards from two accounts into one unified account, do this:

  1. On the “old” account, make the “new” account a collaborator for boards to be moved.
  2. After invite acceptance, make the new account an admin for those boards.
  3. Sign into the new account and delete the old account as a collaborator.
  4. The boards now belong solely to the new account.
  5. Repeat for all boards you want to merge from both accounts.

Transferring Pins from One Pinterest Account to Another

To move pins to a new account along with the board:

  1. Export the board as a CSV file from the old account.
  2. Import the CSV into a new board on the new account.
  3. The new account now has the board and all associated pins.

This preserves pins while transferring the board.

Moving Boards from One Account to Another

To simply move a board’s organizational structure without pins:

  1. Create a new empty board on the new account.
  2. On the old account, export the board to be transferred.
  3. Import the file to the new empty board on the other account.
  4. The board structure transfers over without copying pins.

What to Consider When Transferring Pinterest Boards

When moving boards between accounts, keep these key considerations in mind:

Can You Transfer Pinterest Boards to Another Account
Image Credit: PinterestSolution

Managing Boards in the New Account After Transfer

  • Update board covers, descriptions, and categories to fit the new account’s aesthetics.
  • Curate pins by keeping most relevant ones and removing any outdated pins.
  • Engage followers of transferred boards by responding to comments and posting consistently.

Effects on Collaborators and Followers

  • When you transfer a board you own, collaborators and followers do not carry over.
  • The new owner can invite previous collaborators or followers to reconnect with the board.
  • Notifying followers on the original board about the transfer is a nice courtesy.

Options for Deactivating or Deleting Boards in the Old Account

  • You can deactivate old boards to preserve the URL but remove pin content.
  • Deleting a board completely removes it from your Pinterest profile.
  • If fully transferring boards, deleting may be preferred for a clean slate.

Transferring Personal and Business Boards

  • The process is the same for personal and business accounts.
  • Take care when transferring collaborative team boards from a business account.
  • Take time to organize boards in a clear structure tailored to the account’s purpose.

Steps to Merge Boards Along with Pins to the New Account

  • Use board export/import to transfer pins along with board structure.
  • Repeat import for each board being consolidated into the new account.
  • Carefully arrange boards in a logical order on the new profile.

Common Problems When Transferring Pinterest Boards

Can You Transfer Pinterest Boards to Another Account
Image Credit: PinterestSolution

While usually straightforward, there can be occasional hiccups when transferring boards.

Troubleshooting Board Transfer Issues

  • If a transfer seems “stuck,” check that both parties completed the full request process.
  • For collaborator transfer troubles, recheck username spellings and accounts used.
  • Enlist Pinterest’s help center if a board ends up in limbo between accounts.

Dealing with Pins that Fail to Transfer

  • Exporting as a CSV captures most pin data, but sometimes pins may not carry over.
  • Try deleting and re-importing the file to potentially correct any formatting issues.
  • As a last resort, manually recreate pins that did not successfully import to the new board.

Issues with Transferring Boards with a Large Number of Pins

  • Size limits on data exports can disrupt transferring boards with 10,000+ pins.
  • Break up large boards into smaller segments of 5,000 pins or fewer before transferring.
  • For extremely large boards, it may be easier to simply recreate them on the new account.

Addressing Account Ownership and Authorization Concerns

  • If you can’t access one account, you won’t be able complete the transfer process.
  • Recovering access to the account is required before attempting the board transfer.
  • Without proper authorization, boards cannot be extracted from an account.

Handling Separate Accounts and Business Boards

  • Transferring between personal and business accounts functions the same.
  • Just be sure proper permissions are set on collaborative team boards before moving.
  • Notify any business teammates before shifting team boards to maintain transparency.

Additional Tips and Information on Pinterest Board Transfers

Beyond the basics, here are some additional pointers for smoothly transferring boards:

Organizing Boards and Pins in the New Account

  • Place boards in Intelligent Collections to logically group related topics and themes.
  • Take time to clean up pins within newly transferred boards for better cohesion.
  • Use board sections to break up and organize large or complex boards.

Strategies for Merging Boards from Two Accounts

  • When merging boards from separate accounts, arrange them thoughtfully in the new profile.
  • Delete overlapping or redundant boards to simplify your new account’s structure.
  • Create an organizational plan mapping out new boards and sections before combining.

Security Measures and Account Protection During Transfer

  • Don’t make collaborator connections to accounts you don’t know and trust.
  • Use strong passwords and enable two-factor authentication for all accounts involved.
  • Adjust privacy settings on transferred boards if your new account has different needs.

Steps to Reassign Ownership of Boards in Collaborative Pins

  • If transferring a collaboratively managed Group Board, ownership reassignment is required.
  • Have the Group Board creator initiate the transfer to move the board to your account.
  • Avoid leaving Group Boards abandoned on old accounts to smoothly transition them.

Guidelines for Handling Business Account Transfers

  • Inform any employees or team members impacted before moving business boards.
  • Update board permissions after the transfer to match needs of the new account.
  • Validate that branding and visibility of key boards remain intact after shifting accounts.

Final Thoughts on Transferring Pinterest Boards to Another Account

With some manual effort, transferring boards between Pinterest accounts is very doable. Set aside time for carefully orchestrating the board collaboration and ownership changes. Begin with smaller scale tests before tackling a full account transition. And as always, leverage Pinterest’s active help forums and FAQs if you hit snags.

Ensuring Smooth and Successful Board Transfers

Patience and organization are key when transferring Pinterest boards. Rushing through the process can create headaches. Instead, approach board transfers with a plan, transferring one section or cluster of boards at a time. Thoroughly document the boards being shifted from each account. And take time to thoughtfully structure your new account after the transfer.

Choosing the Best Approach for Your Pinterest Board Transfer Needs

Consider your specific circumstances to determine the ideal transfer approach. If solely moving boards, exporting and importing the structure may be best. For keeping pins, utilize the export/import option. And for large merges, reconstructing boards manually can avoid size limits. Match your method to the scope of what you aim to accomplish.


Transferring Pinterest boards between accounts may seem daunting, but is completely achievable with some planning and effort. The manual board collaboration process allows you to successfully shift boards and pins to a new account in a strategic manner.

Take time to thoughtfully evaluate your goals, organize your boards, and develop a plan of action before getting started. Execute the transfers in stages, taking care to preserve your pins and content throughout the process. Be sure to engage followers and collaborators to ensure a smooth transition to the new account.

With patience and care, you can orchestrate a seamless Pinterest board transfer. Your new account can emerge even better organized and personalized to suit your current needs. While Pinterest does not offer automated board transfers, the available manual options allow you to reshape your account structure when necessary. Just be sure to utilize available help resources and proceed slowly to avoid headaches.

In the end, your dedication will pay off with a refreshed Pinterest presence that fits your evolving interests and creativity. The work of restructuring your boards will help refine your activity on the platform. And your followers will still be able enjoy your meticulously crafted content, albeit in a new home.

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